Well, two reasons: One is because it sounds cool (Pronounced as Kha-rees) and the second reason is grace. Charis is the biblical greek for God’s grace, God’s unconditional, unmerited gift to us all! In the end, this is what it’s all about: God’s grace.
Vitamin C?
The "C" stands for Charis. We first published the Vitamin C magazine way back in 2005. The concept was to create a simple tool to help regular church folks (specially Catholics) to know more about their faith and have a better understanding of the Bible. With the help of many friend priests and dedicated lay men and women we were able to put together a simple, practical but solid publication. Occasionally, we were also able to get powerful articles from high profile people such as Bo Sanchez, Bayless Conley, Christopher West and more. And everything is wrapped up creatively for visual impact and voilà! God takes care of the rest.
It all started with a silly dream…
I grew up in a Catholic Filipino Charismatic Community since I was 11years old. But for many yeas I was a troubled kid. I was giving nothing but heart aches to my parents and grand parents. During those days I already knew I had the gift of influence. But unfortunately I used that gift in pushing my friends to do wrong and hurtful things. As a result, the police knew me quite well!
But even in my troubled years God was gradually drawing me closer and closer to him. At 17years old I attended a Life In The Spirit Seminar and from that day on my life has never been the same. God shook me from the very core of my being by revealing to me that He loves me in spite of all my failures and sins. That day, I willingly received His Charis…
In return, I decided to give my life to Him and His people. I have received so much love and forgiveness that I could not stay silent about it. I had to share the good news.
I started dreaming of bringing people closer to God. I dreamt of spreading His Word and lift up the weak by the same unconditional love I have received…
A silly dream it was… A silly dream from a guy who was known for all the trouble he was spreading.
But I thank God He uses silly! He uses the weak, the ugly, the puny, the sinful… Because the more you are forgiven the more love you receive. And the more love you receive the more you can give…
And so Charis Communication is simply that: a creative channel through which God can communicate His Grace, His Charis.
I dare you now, my friend: Dream!
Still in His grip,
Jon Idago